Truck Accidents

Can You Hold Amazon Liable for a Delivery Truck Accident in California?

The sight of delivery trucks navigating through California neighborhoods and highways is a daily occurrence. Among these, Amazon delivery vehicles, with their distinctive blue and prime logos, are a common sight, delivering countless packages to doorsteps across the state. However, with the increase in delivery services, there comes an inevitable rise in the number of vehicles on the road. If you have been injured due to the negligence of an Amazon delivery truck driver, you...
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Know Your Rights: Steps to Take After an Amazon Truck Accident

With the rise of Amazon and online shopping, you may have noticed branded delivery trucks on highways and in your neighborhood. While these trucks help you get your packages quickly, they can also be dangerous. If the driver neglects their duty to operate their vehicle safely and causes you harm, you can take steps after the accident to protect your rights, including seeking medical attention, contacting the police, gathering information, and partnering with a lawyer...
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What to Do If a Garbage Truck Hits Your Car

Garbage trucks weigh much more than traditional passenger vehicles, and any collision with these larger trucks could lead to significant injuries and property damage. Unfortunately, victims of garbage truck accidents in California often face a tough path when it comes to recovering compensation for their losses. Here, we want to talk about what you should do if a garbage truck hits your car. Seek Medical Care and Document the Scene If you are injured or...
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5 Mistakes to Avoid After a Truck Accident

When a person sustains an injury or property damage in an accident caused by the actions of a negligent truck driver or trucking company, there are various steps they can take to help them recover compensation for their losses. However, there are also some mistakes that individuals could make that are avoidable. Here, we want to discuss five mistakes that truck crash victims could make in the days and weeks after the incident occurs. 1....
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Negligent Maintenance Issues in Truck Accident Lawsuits

Large commercial trucks play a major role in the continued operation of the United States economy. These are large vehicles that transport freight across the country every day. Unfortunately, if these vehicles are not properly maintained by the drivers or the trucking company, serious accidents can occur. Here, our Santa Ana personal injury attorneys want to discuss the negligent maintenance of commercial trucks and how this plays into crash litigation. Truck Maintenance is Required by...
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