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Pedestrians are vulnerable to severe injuries when they sustain an impact with a vehicle for a fixed object. Pedestrians lack any type of protection from these impacts, and the injuries can leave lasting effects and even long-term disabilities. During the most recent reporting year in California, there were more than 10,000 total pedestrian accident injuries …

Pedestrian accidents often lead to major injuries. Vehicles are much heavier than the human body, and they can inflict significant damage. Unfortunately, the human body often undergoes two impacts when a collision occurs – a first impact with the vehicle and a secondary impact with the ground. Here, we want to review some of the …

Accidents involving pedestrians can be catastrophic for the people involved in the accident and their loved ones. Often, accidents could be avoided if the driver practiced more caution and adhered to the rules of the road. When an accident with a pedestrian occurs, some elements must be considered to determine who is at fault.  Responsibility …

Far too many kids have passed away in traffic collisions, and when these lives are cut short, the challenges that arise may be devastating for their entire family. If you are a parent, it is pivotal to do all you can to keep your child safe whenever they are on the road or near traffic, …

Pedestrians may find themselves in a traffic incident during any time of year, but there are certain instances where a pedestrian accident may be especially likely. During the winter, for example, a pedestrian may slip on ice or a driver may lose control after driving over a patch of ice and veer off of the …

There are a number of things to consider with respect to pedestrian accidents, but knowing some of the common causes of pedestrian accidents is especially important. Car accidents have a significant impact on pedestrians, with the CDC reporting alarming statistics on pedestrian fatalities and injuries. Sadly, many pedestrians have passed away after being struck by …

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