Motorcycle Accidents

Online posts after a motorcycle crash

Motorcycle accidents can shatter life in various ways, some of which have been addressed on this blog. If you were hit by a car or injured while riding your motorcycle, there are other issues you may want to consider beyond the injuries and financial problems you may be struggling with. For example, you may want to watch what you say online, especially if you plan on filing a claim with your insurance company or taking legal...
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What type of motorcycle is best for new riders?

If you are a new motorcycle rider in California, you may be wondering which bike is best suited to your needs. In this case, there are quite a few options when it comes to street bikes, each of which caters to different types of riders according to their needs. Choosing the right bike is not only a matter of function but also of safety when it comes to inexperienced riders. According to the American Motorcyclist...
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What kind of motorcycle gear will I need to ride?

As an Orange County motorcycle rider, you know that safety is a top priority whether you’ve been riding for years or just a few days. Along with obeying traffic laws and keeping your motorcycle well-maintained, you should also be concerned with finding the right gear to protect you on the road. This includes a multitude of items, from helmets to the proper footwear.According to, many riders have questions about what type of gear they...
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Common mistakes of new motorcyclists

For many new riders in California, the thrill of owning a motorcycle can sometimes get in the way of common sense. As a result, beginners often make a number of mistakes that could be avoided by taking the proper precautions. Here at Callahan & Blaine, we’ve seen the tragedy that can happen when new riders fail to behave in a cautious manner. While some accidents simply can’t be prevented, the following tips will help reduce...
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How can I navigate common road hazards on my motorcycle?

If you regularly ride a motorcycle in Orange County, you know how fun and thrilling an experience it can be. You also know that there are many dangers present on the road, some of which can lead to a serious accident. To this end, it’s important to be aware of common road hazards and know which methods work best for avoiding them.The AARP provides a list of hazards encountered by motorcyclists, such as debris within...
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