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Patents are designed to protect inventions and new discoveries. A caveat to these inventions and discoveries is that they must be new, useful, and “non-obvious.” These may seem like relatively vague terms, but they do have specific meetings when it comes to federal patent protection law. There are three main types of patents that are …
Patents provide protection to inventors of new, useful, and non-obvious products or designs by preventing others from using, making, or selling the invention for a certain amount of time after the patent is issued. There are three main types of patents issued in the United States – a design patent, a utility patent, and a …
Patents are important to ensure that individuals continue to strive to create new, useful, and non-obvious inventions in the United States. A patent is what officially protects an inventor by preventing anyone else from using, making, or selling the invention for a certain period of time after the patent is issued. There are three types …
Patents are granted to protect the rights of inventors and businesses that create unique and useful products for society. However, there are times when others infringe on a patent, and patent holders may pursue legal action against another entity for patent infringement. This could result in monetary damages being awarded to the patent holder or …
The “fair use” law (the “doctrine fair use,” “the fair use doctrine,” etc.) is the law that allows for parts of a copyrighted work to be used without the permission of the owner. Fair use is a common defense to copyright infringement lawsuits or accusations. If successful, a fair use argument means that unauthorized use …
A patent is a right granted to the inventor of a product by the government that permits the inventor to prevent others from making, selling, or using the invention for a specific period of time. Patents are incredibly important, and the patent system was designed to encourage individuals and companies to create inventions that are …
Trademark protections are available for various names, devices, words, or symbols that can be used in connection with a service or good. Additionally, there are certain marks that are associated with a service, and these will be called “service marks.” However, “trademark” is the common term used to refer to marks associated with both goods …
Copyrights are forms of intellectual property protection that find their basis in the Constitution of the United States and granted under the law to protect original works of authorship. This includes both published and unpublished works. There are various categories of works that can be protected by copyright laws in the US, including movies, software, …
Trade secrets are defined by federal law under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA). They are forms of intellectual property and may consist of any pattern, physical device, idea, process, or formula (or a combination of those) that gives a company an advantage over its competitors. It is important to understand what kind of things …
A demand letter is a preliminary tactic used by individuals or entities as an attempt to resolve a dispute, usually over a form of payment owed by one party to another. These letters are an effort by one party involved in the dispute to reach a resolution before taking formal legal action through the courts. …
I am very pleased with the outcome of the court case. I am also very impressed with the way you handled the entire proceedings, questioning the witnesses and presenting and delivery of the facts to the jury. This reinforces my belief that having a skillful and competent trial lawyer like yourself makes a significant difference in sensitive cases such as employment actions.
From the bottom of my heart- THANK YOU!! You and your firm will get nothing but rave reviews from me and I am very impressed with all that you did for me. Your passion for this work is obviously still alive and I received the outcome I had been hoping for since June.
Brenda D.
Callahan & Blaine has continually impressed me as one of the strongest and most competent law firms in the County. For the past 25 years, Callahan & Blaine has been an integral part of Orange County’s legal community. I am pleased to strongly recommend Callahan & Blaine as litigation counsel and would be happy to provide you with any additional information, if needed.
Tom Daly
I’m grateful that I was referred to you by our family attorney. Her confidence in your firm was very reassuring. I too would be happy to refer your firm to anyone who may be in need! Without a doubt, you are the best and you have lived up to your reputation!
Thank you all for the great job done. Your consistent attention, expertise, and professionalism is greatly appreciated. We definitely would not have achieved the same outcome without your services. My family and I thank you.
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