
Whiplash can result in serious brain injury

Traumatic brain injuries can have many causes, including whiplash. While whiplash is often linked to auto accidents, it can occur whenever there is enough force to jolt the head severely in one direction. When it comes brain injuries resulting from whiplash, our legal team at Callahan & Blaine know all too well the physical effects that can follow. We also know it’s important for accident victims to get the care they need in order to...
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Prevention of playground injuries is a must

Playgrounds are a great place for kids to interact and get some much-needed exercise. Despite the many positive attributes offered by recreational play areas, many California families remain concerned about their overall safety. The fact is that playground-related injuries are exceedingly common, and avoidance of these injuries requires the proper protections.The National Program for Playground Safety provides a number of important safety tips to ensure children remain safe when using playground equipment. First and foremost,...
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What responsibilities do landlords have in CA?

If you live in a rental property in California, your landlord is beholden to certain responsibilities so that your dwelling remains safe and habitable. It's important for you as a tenant to be aware of these responsibilities in the event discrepancies occur, while also knowing what you are ultimately responsible for according to the law.The California Department of Consumer Affairs provides a comprehensive listing of mandatory duties that your landlord must perform. Fire prevention is...
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Impaired driving is a frequent cause of death for motorists

Losing a loved one is never easy. However, losing a loved one to another person’s negligence behind the wheel can be a devastating experience, especially when impairment due to drugs or alcohol is a factor. Here at Callahan & Blaine, our Newport Beach wrongful death attorneys have seen the damage caused to California families by the carelessness of an inebriated driver. Effects can range from emotional to financial, especially when the deceased loved one was...
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Shopping carts are a frequent source of injury for children

Shopping carts are a staple of virtually every retail space in Orange County, from grocery stores to clothing outlets. Despite their practicality, carts can pose a significant risk to children under certain circumstances. Resulting injuries can be quite severe, particularly when they involve the head or neck.The Washington Post reports on the increasing rates of injury associated with shopping carts. Data compiled from emergency room visits shows that approximately 530,494 children were harmed by shopping...
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