
Smartphone innovations aim to decrease traffic accidents

While Orange County motorists are most likely aware of the dangers associated with distracted driving, this knowledge may not be enough to keep them from making the wrong choices while behind the wheel. Because of the risk of using smartphones when driving, modern technology is changing to lower the chances of a serious accident occurring. Constant pop-up notifications can be difficult for some drivers to ignore, as illustrated by recent distracted driving statistics. Car accidents...
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Signs and symptoms of moderate to severe brain injury

A brain injury can cause lasting damage to accident victims in California and all over the nation. Accordingly, being aware of the common signs and symptoms associated with moderate to severe brain injuries is crucial for getting the proper medical treatment. In some cases medical attention will prove life-saving, while also preventing irreparable physical harm from occurring.As stated by the Mayo Clinic, signs of brain injury are categorized according to the severity of the injuries....
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How can I navigate common road hazards on my motorcycle?

If you regularly ride a motorcycle in Orange County, you know how fun and thrilling an experience it can be. You also know that there are many dangers present on the road, some of which can lead to a serious accident. To this end, it’s important to be aware of common road hazards and know which methods work best for avoiding them.The AARP provides a list of hazards encountered by motorcyclists, such as debris within...
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Mold in the home can wreak havoc on your health

If you are a renter in California, you know that your landlord is responsible for maintaining a safe home environment. This includes making sure that mold is kept under control to prevent a range of negative health effects. Landlords that fail to address the issue of mold within the home can be held accountable for their actions. As stated by, mold can cause a range of symptoms that may develop into more serious health...
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Government releases guidelines for automated vehicles

While new technology is often met with excitement, many drivers in California and across the nation have concerns about self-driving or automated vehicles. In an attempt to quell increasing anxiety about the safety of these vehicles, new guidelines have been released which are intended to ensure a secure driving experience for all who share the road.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released the new safety guidelines, which focus on several different topics. State requirements...
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