
Children’s Dental Group en Anaheim enfrenta nueva demanda por negligencia

La familia de un niño de 6 años alega que el pequeño perdió una gran porción de la mandíbula inferior debido a una infección que adquirió al ser atendido en las oficinas de Children's Dental Group. Gilbran, de 3 años, se recupera en el hospital de su infección en la boca. Salvador Durán/Univision LOS ÁNGELES, California.- La familia de Freshta Ahmadi, un menor de 6 años, presentó una demanda contra Children's Dental Group este miércoles...
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Infection eats away at boy’s jaw, family suing Anaheim dental clinic

POSTED BY TONI MCALLISTER ON DECEMBER 14, 2016 The family of a 6-year-old boy who lost much of his lower jaw to an infection is suing the Anaheim dental clinic where the child and dozens more were affected by a bacterial outbreak. The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in Orange County Superior Court, alleges negligence, medical battery, intentional misrepresentation, concealment and intentional infliction of emotional distress, among other claims. It was filed on behalf of Freshta Ahmadi...
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How to create a fire evacuation plan

All California employers are obligated to keep their workers protected, which is why creating an efficient fire evacuation plan is so critical. Orderly evacuation can prevent serious injuries from occurring, and may even help save lives should a fire break out.The California Department of Public Health provides a few useful tips for devising a workplace evacuation plan. There are certain elements that are crucial to a cohesive plan, such as clear marking of all exits...
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Can brain injuries influence emotions?

Traumatic brain injuries can result in a number of physical effects that sometimes have lasting consequences. Serious head injuries can also impact your emotional health and well-being, and in some cases drastic personality changes may occur. These changes often upset friends and family not accustomed to such lists some of the potential emotional consequences of brain injuries. For instance, you might find that staying in control of your emotional response is exceedingly difficult after...
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Common mistakes of new motorcyclists

For many new riders in California, the thrill of owning a motorcycle can sometimes get in the way of common sense. As a result, beginners often make a number of mistakes that could be avoided by taking the proper precautions. Here at Callahan & Blaine, we’ve seen the tragedy that can happen when new riders fail to behave in a cautious manner. While some accidents simply can’t be prevented, the following tips will help reduce...
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