
Video chat and distracted driving

There are many different distractions that can prevent a person from focusing all of their attention on the road. For example, other passengers who are riding in the car may distract a driver while carrying on a conversation or suddenly making loud noises, such as excited children, for example. As Newport Beach car accident attorneys, we have seen firsthand how the digital era has brought new sources of distraction as a result of technological advances....
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Do more fatal bike crashes happen on rural or urban roads?

If you regularly ride a bicycle, it is very important for you to think about safety at all times when you are on the road. Bicycle accidents can happen for many different reasons, whether a reckless driver causes a crash, or a bicyclist fails to use common sense. However, some areas may be more dangerous than others when it comes to riding a bike. For example, you may wonder whether you are safer riding in...
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How many traffic deaths are caused by speeding?

The roads are dangerous for many reasons, from those which are within a driver’s control (such as driving sober, following traffic safety laws, etc.) to those which are out of a driver’s ability to manage such as severe weather. Sadly, many lives have been lost in accidents that were the result of a driver failing to drive responsibly. There are many different examples of reckless behavior, but speeding is especially concerning for a number of...
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Do heat waves increase the chances of auto accidents?

There are a wide variety of concerns when it comes to motor vehicle collisions. Many people focus on drunk drivers and understand how dangerous it can be to ignore traffic signs and drive recklessly. However, there are many other factors which can lead to a fatal motor vehicle collision and some may be completely out of a driver’s control. For example, extreme weather events including heat waves can be problematic when it comes to traffic safety....
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Are motorcyclists more likely to pass away in a crash?

Everyone who travels in any type of vehicle faces a number of risks and may find their lives completely upended following a traffic collision. However, some people may be especially vulnerable with respect to some of the traffic collision consequences, such as the loss of life and devastating injuries. Those who ride a motorcycle, for example, are more exposed in comparison to those driving a large truck or a small car. Moreover, when they are...
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