
Studying while driving

People may cause an auto collision because they are drunk, or because they did not get enough sleep the night before. Outside of fatigue and intoxication, all sorts of other auto accident risk factors exist, and some are not as common. For example, someone may cause a crash because they are trying to study while operating their vehicle. Whether a college student is trying to prepare for an exam, a high schooler is preparing for...
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What is the Glasgow Coma Scale?

The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is used to assess the level of consciousness after a person has suffered from a brain injury. It uses a system of scoring based on responses to certain stimuli and has proven highly useful to medical professionals since 1974. offers the following information on the GCS and how it’s used. How it works The person providing the GCS performs tests that assess the function of three criteria. These are...
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Why do so many accidents occur at traffic lights?

Any place on the road can be dangerous, but some areas are especially likely to see an accident. For example, an intersection may see a large number of accidents and it is also important to keep in mind that some intersections are riskier than others. For example, some may be located in areas that see a lot of traffic or in places where road signs confuse many drivers. So, why do so many collisions occur...
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New work schedules and car crashes

Someone may become involved in a car collision because of another person's reckless behavior, such as a driver who is distracted while using their phone. However, various life changes can also lead to a crash, such as a new work schedule. There are many different reasons why adjusting to working at a different time of day (or night) can cause someone to become involved in a wreck and it is important to be mindful of...
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3 kitchen safety tips for the holidays

Families all over Orange County will be preparing lavish meals for loved ones throughout the holiday season. While these celebrations are certainly joyful, home chefs must also take the proper steps to prevent serious injury befalling themselves or others in the kitchen. Fortunately, the following safety tips will help create a safe and secure environment in your home during this holiday season.According to Everyday Health, you should never leave your oven unattended while cooking. It’s...
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