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There are various reasons why a person may have an “easement” on their property. In fact, easements are fairly common in and around our area. An easement essentially gives another person or entity the legal right to use a person’s land for the duration of an agreed-upon period of time. However, what happens if an …

If you have kept up with employment law at all over the last few years in California, then you know there has been significant debate about what it means to be an independent contractor. There has been years of back and forth over whether or not companies are taking advantage of independent contractors or “gig …

Many employees in the state of California work for tips. However, we also realize that there is significant confusion about the laws surrounding tips in this state. Here, we want to briefly discuss the California tip laws because we think that you need to know your rights when it comes to keeping the wages that …

The consensus of health professionals over the last few decades is that second-hand tobacco smoke is indeed a health hazard. However, federal law usually does not require that employers provide smoke-free workplaces for their workers. That said, counties and cities can choose to regulate smoking laws in the workplace in California. Here, we want to …

Most people are familiar with the term paid time off or PTO. However, we know that many individuals may not quite understand the laws surrounding PTO in California. In this state, we need to point out that employers are not required to provide any paid vacation or PTO for their employees. That being said, a …

Few things generate more confusion than overtime pay in California. Much of this confusion revolves around the purposeful obfuscation of these laws on the part of employers, particularly when it comes to trying to get out of paying workers. Here, we want to discuss what California law says about paying overtime in this state. What …

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