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The federal government sets fairly strict deadlines for how many hours truck drivers are allowed to operate during each workday and during each workweek. These regulations are set forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). There is a reason that truck drivers are regulated when it comes to hours of service, and that …

If you or somebody you care about has been injured or sustained property damage in an accident caused by a truck driver or trucking company in California, you should be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, there are various steps that you need to take after these incidents occur, including obtaining records. Here, …

Commercial trucks must be loaded appropriately before hitting the roadway. Anytime cargo is improperly loaded in the back of a commercial truck, this significantly increases the chances of an accident occurring. Here, we want to discuss how improperly loaded cargo can cause an accident as well as liability for these types of incidents. How Will …

Even though motorcycles can be safe vehicles, there are times when motorcyclists or other drivers make mistakes on the roadway and when accidents occur. Unfortunately, motorcyclists do not have as much protection as those inside traditional passenger vehicles, and this can lead to significant neck and back injuries when an accident does occur. Here, we …

Motorcycle accidents can significantly impact a cyclist’s life, and these incidents can occur in a wide variety of ways. Motorcyclists do not have much protection from the force of a vehicle or the roadway when an accident does occur. One of the most common types of motorcycle accidents is sideswipe collisions. Here, we want to …

There are more motorcycles registered in the state of California than in any other state across the country. Even though motorcycles are a great way to see the beautiful scenery throughout this state, there are various types of hazards that motorcyclists need to be aware of. Unfortunately, many of these hazards revolve around the roadway …

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