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If you or somebody you care about sustains an injury or property damage in a vehicle accident caused by the actions of another driver, you deserve compensation for your losses through an auto insurance claim. The vast majority of vehicle accident claims in California will be resolved through insurance settlements, but that does not mean …

Vehicle accidents can occur in a wide variety of ways, often due to the careless or negligent actions of other drivers. However, there are times when accidents are caused by debris on the roadway itself. This can include objects that fall off of other vehicles, trees and other types of vegetation, animals, items from people’s …

You have probably seen the dash cam videos on various social media platforms that show the moment right before and right after a vehicle accident occurs. Dash cams, as you might imagine, can provide useful information about incidents, particularly when working to determine liability. Here, we want to discuss whether or not dash cams are …

The aftermath of a vehicle accident can be chaotic and confusing. However, there are steps you need to take to protect yourself, especially as the insurance carriers work to settle the claim. It is not uncommon for you to have to sign over some of your medical records in order to recover compensation for your …

Commercial vehicle drivers have tremendous responsibilities on the roadway. They are in charge of operating very large vehicles on the highways and streets of California, and there are laws specific to commercial truck drivers that must be obeyed in order to ensure safety. Here, we want to discuss commercial traffic laws that you need to …

Accidents involving larger commercial trucks often result in significant injuries and major property damage. In the event a truck accident is caused by an impaired commercial truck driver, there are various steps that you need to take to help ensure that you recover the evidence needed to prove liability. You deserve compensation after these incidents. …

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