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Wrongful death claims arise when a family loses a loved one due to the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of another party. These incidents can occur in a wide variety of ways, including vehicle accidents, premises liability incidents, defective product incidents, intentional acts of violence, and more. If a family wishes to recover compensation for …

There are more than 850,000 total registered motorcycles in the state of California, according to information available from the state Office of Traffic Safety (OTS). However, motorcyclists are incredibly vulnerable to severe injuries when an accident occurs. They simply do not have the same level of protection that passengers inside traditional vehicles have. Here, we …

Pedestrians are vulnerable to severe injuries when they sustain an impact with a vehicle for a fixed object. Pedestrians lack any type of protection from these impacts, and the injuries can leave lasting effects and even long-term disabilities. During the most recent reporting year in California, there were more than 10,000 total pedestrian accident injuries …

If you or a loved one are injured or sustained property damage in a motorcycle accident caused by the negligence of another party, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, it is tough to understand what a “good settlement” should look like. We strongly recommend that you reach out to a …

If you or somebody you care about has sustained a brain injury caused by the negligent actions of another individual or entity, you may be able to recover compensation for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses. However, it can be confusing to understand how much compensation a brain injury claim is …

There are times when medical professionals make mistakes, and these mistakes can lead to serious injuries or illnesses for patients. In many cases, injured individuals will be able to file a civil medical malpractice lawsuit in order to recover compensation for their losses. However, medical malpractice claims are challenging, and you may or may not …

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