- Daily Journal Extra: “Checkmate: Daniel Callahan wins $934 Million on Behalf of Client in Breach of Contract Case.”
- Op-ed: The Berkeley balcony tragedy and the American legal system
- Daniel J. Callahan featured in Orange County Attorney Journal
- Tips for Obtaining Success at Trial
- Understanding the dangers of concussions.
- Los Angeles Times reports in Best Lawyers Section – “Breaking Records Across the Board: Thorough and Versatile Litigation Serves Dan Callahan’s Clients Well”
- The Bottom Line: Simple and Sound Advice (Dan Callahan Interview in OC Metro, August 2011)
- Quote from an interview with Daniel Callahan used in “Critical Mass: The Power of CEO Guiding Principles”
- Important Questions To Consider When Forming A Business
- Detailed interview with Dan Callahan in OC Metro Magazine, Top Lawyers of Orange County Edition, August, 2012
- Piercing the Corporate Veil to Collect Damages
- Choosing the Right Lawyer: The Fallacy of Specialization
- Litigation Management for In-House Counsel: The First Sixty Days
- Strategy for Summary Judgment Motions
- Primer: Insurance Law for Every Plaintiff Attorneys (Don’t be a Bull in a China Shop). As published in the “The Advocate: Journal of Consumer Attorneys Association for Southern California”
- Insurance Strategies for Mediation and Settlement (Journal of Consumer Attorneys Associations – Advocate, June 2013)
- Trial Lawyers Make Better Litigators
- The Power of Persuasion: The Mediation Brief
- Insurance Law: The Inter-Disciplinary Specialty
- Choosing the Right Litigation Attorney
- Choosing the Right Law Firm
- Litigation Management in a Tough Economy
- Motorists owe duty of care to motorcyclists to avoid injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries: the basics
- Balancing Biometric Privacy and consumer Litigation
- Identifying What Constitutes Biometric Information
- The Rise of Facial Recognition Technology and the Privacy Concerns Such Use Raises
- The Long-Term Implications of In re Facebook Biometric Information Privacy Litigation for the Collection, Capture and Storage of Biometric Information
- Dynamex isn’t Just About Wage Orders (Los Angeles Daily Journal)
- SEC’S Proposed Amendment to the “Accredited Investor” Standard
- Combating the Underground Economy
- Drowsiness and truck crashes: Regulations aim to decrease the risk
- Debunking the Myth of a Safe Hands-Free Cellphone
- California motorcycle riders need to always be safety-conscious
- Litigation alleging injury and death from low-testosterone drugs
- Proposed law would clarify lane-splitting rules for motorcyclists
- Arizona lawmakers fail to pass texting-and-driving bill again
- When an autonomous vehicle hits a pedestrian, who is at fault?
- Boston Scientific ordered to pay $73 million over transvaginal mesh implant
- Impaired driving realities in southern California
- Tougher distracted driving laws don’t always deter bad drivers
- Pedestrians deaths on the rise in Los Angeles and nationwide
- Bicycle accident prevention: what every cyclist needs to know
- How serious are truck accidents in California?
- Drive safe: 3 ways to prevent motorcycle accidents
- How bicyclists can protect themselves from injury
- California law means speed limits go up along dangerous streets
- California ranks high for hit and run and bicycle fatality rates
- The underride danger posed by large trucks
- Avoiding motor vehicle collisions during poor weather
- Firm accuses ex-partners of stealing clients’ trade secrets
- Dealing with a personal injury in California: what all victims need to know
- Traumatic brain injury: complicated and unpredictable
- Could rideshare services be leading to more traffic accidents?
- Visibility tips for California motorcyclists
- A pragmatic approach to resolving class action cases
- Essential roadside emergency safety guide
- Congress once again pushes hours of service rule
- Injured in a bicycle accident: here’s what you need to know
- Drop in motorcycle deaths may be due to luck, not better driving
- Ethical issues in ADR
- Corporate Transparency Act