When it comes brain injury prevention, people in Orange County must know certain facts to remain protected. Brain injuries can occur as a result of numerous activities, from sporting events to traveling in cars. Additionally, brain injuries can have devastating consequences, including lifelong disability, coma or even death.

Fortunately, there are certain things you can do to prevent brain injuries from occurring to you and your loved ones. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a few tips on brain injury prevention, including how to protect yourself and your kids. Helmets are integral in this case, especially when riding a bike or motorcycle. Kids should also be outfitted in sturdy helmets when playing baseball or any other sport with a risk of an impact injury.

When it comes to young children, use of car seats is imperative any time you are traveling by vehicle. In this case, you should know which type of car seat is appropriate based on your child’s age. For kids two and younger, a rear-facing seat should be placed in the back seat and secured using the seat belt. Kids two through five are best served by forward-facing seats also placed in the back. Until age nine kids should use a booster seat, and once they’re old enough they should ride in the backseat and wear a seat belt at all times.

Because falls can also cause brain injuries, the Mayo Clinic cautions older individuals from taking care to prevent falls from occurring. Poor vision and lighting can easily cause a fall in the elderly, so areas within should be brightly lit. You can also install hand rails and other aids in areas such as the bathroom or stairs, and make certain that your home is free of any clutter, which can increase the risk of trips and falls.


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