Callahan & Blaine
July 21, 2024

Orange County Class Action Lawyer

At Callahan & Blaine, our civil litigation practice extends beyond the resolution of disputes between our client and one or several opponents. Our Orange County class action lawyers also litigate on behalf of consumers, employees, small businesses or any other identifiable group whose legal claims have enough in common to support a motion for certification as a class. This tactic allows claimants to achieve justice in situations where individual lawsuits can’t be economically justified, but where common legal and factual issues can justify handling the case on behalf of a large group in a single case under state or federal class action rules.

Why Trust Callahan & Blaine With Your Class Action Claim?

In 2008, our lawyers settled a class action for past and future employment benefits to newspaper carriers in Orange County for $38 million.

This settlement is the largest class action settlement in the history of Orange County. Our ability to demonstrate convincingly in court that the carriers were employees eligible for benefits forced a settlement after two months of trial.

In addition to the suit undertaken on behalf of Orange County newspaper carriers, our firm has handled these significant class action cases:

Ayala v. Antelope Valley Press, Inc. — In this precedent-setting case, we successfully represented workers who were wrongfully misclassified as independent contractors. The case supports the argument that class certification is warranted in any type of misclassification case (such as those involving exemptions) where there is common evidence of a defendant’s policies and practices, even if their impact is not uniform.

Vicken Massoyan and Maggie Antaramian v. HL Leasing, Inc. — In this case, we successfully defended a widow who was being sued by 800 California individuals for her alleged involvement in a $114 million Ponzi scheme.

What Is a Class Action Lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit is a type of litigation in which a large number of parties who have suffered a similar injury join to pursue results collectively. It is frequently used in cases involving alleged wage and hour law violations, defective products, consumer fraud, and other types of civil litigation. Usually, the parties certified as a class are plaintiffs, though defendant class action suits are possible. Class action suits can be pursued in federal and California state courts. To proceed at the federal level, a court must first certify a suit as a class action, after being satisfied that it complies with the requirements set out in Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. To learn more about class action lawsuits, speak with a knowledgeable Orange County class action lawyer at Callahan & Blaine.

Types of Class Action Lawsuits We Handle

If you suspect that you’re not the only one with particular grounds for legal action, contact an experienced Orange County business lawyer at Callahan & Blaine to learn about your litigation options for either a freestanding lawsuit or a class action. With more than 20 trial attorneys aggregating over 500 years of litigation experience, our law firm has the depth and range of experience necessary to identify opportunities for class certification and to manage the complex logistics of class action litigation.

Examples of the kinds of cases that might be suitable for class certification include:

  • Employee wage and benefit claims
  • Age, race, or sex discrimination claims
  • Consumer fraud claims
  • Securities fraud and investor claims
  • Antitrust or unfair competition claims concerning price-fixing, tie-in arrangements or raw materials supplies
  • Intellectual property claims
  • Advertising claims

What Are the Benefits of Class Action Litigation?

Resolving a dispute through class action litigation provides benefits to both the plaintiff(s) and the defendant(s):

  • Increased judicial efficiency — Rather than hearing multiple suits involving multiple claims, a class action suit joins many claims into one.
  • Reduced cost of litigation — In a class action suit, the costs of discovery, fact-finding, and litigation are spread out and borne by many litigants.
  • Small recoveries for each claimant are possible — When the loss to an individual party is small, but in the aggregate the loss is large, a class action suit may permit recovery for all members of the class.
  • Fairness for late-filing claimants — A class action suit prevents early-filing plaintiffs from “raiding” the limited funds that may be available for compensation.

Free Consultation With a Class Action Attorney in Orange County, CA

Find out more about our experience with class action lawsuits in the state and federal courts of Southern California. Contact Callahan & Blaine in Santa Ana to discuss your case with a world-class Orange County class action lawyer.


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Callahan & Blaine
July 21, 2024

Callahan & Blaine, established in 1984, is a leading litigation firm with a legacy of delivering exceptional results for our clients. With over 700 years of combined trial experience and a proven track record of more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements, our team of highly recognized attorneys specialize in handling complex and high-stakes civil cases with unparalleled efficiency and skill.

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*CV, BV, and AV are registered certification marks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc., used in accordance with the Martindale-Hubbell certification procedures, standards, and policies. Martindale-Hubbell is the facilitator of a peer review rating process. Ratings reflect the confidential opinions of members of the Bar and the judiciary. Martindale-Hubbell ratings fall into two categories — legal ability and general ethical standards.


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