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With the rise of Amazon and online shopping, you may have noticed branded delivery trucks on highways and in your neighborhood. While these trucks help you get your packages quickly, they can also be dangerous. If the driver neglects their duty to operate their vehicle safely and causes you harm, you can take steps after …

Construction sites are bustling hubs of activity where workers and passersby face numerous hazards on a daily basis. Unfortunately, accidents are not uncommon, and the injuries sustained in these incidents can be severe and life-altering. From falls and being struck by objects to exposure to hazardous substances and equipment malfunctions, construction accidents can lead to …

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) offer exhilarating adventures across California’s diverse landscapes, from rugged mountain trails to sandy desert dunes. However, the thrill of ATV riding can quickly turn into tragedy when accidents occur. The consequences of ATV accidents can be devastating, leaving victims with life-altering injuries and significant financial burdens. Injured individuals can seek compensation for …

Uber and Lyft can be a convenient and safe way to get home after a night of drinking or get around busy California cities, but they can also be dangerous, as you rely on your rideshare driver and others around you to operate their vehicles safely. If you suffer injuries in an Uber or Lyft …

As a business owner, it is your hope that the employees you bring on board will have good intentions as they become integrated into your business practices and learn the tactics that make your brand stand out as a success. Unfortunately, not every employee is as trustworthy as they may seem. When a former employee …

Navigating class action litigation can be complex and challenging for businesses facing multiple claims from a group of plaintiffs. However, with the right strategies and approaches, defendants can effectively defend against class action lawsuits and protect their interests. Possible defense against class action litigation includes early case evaluation, motion practice, class certification challenges, settlement negotiations, …

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